Hancock Park Homeowners Association Board Members and Contact Info
The Hancock Park Homeowners Association est. 1948, is a non-profit organization with an 18-member volunteer board of directors. The Board is happy to provide assistance to Hancock Park residents. Our Board meetings are open to all neighborhood residents and are normally held on the third Monday of the month at 6:00PM via Zoom. Zoom links for meetings are available upon request.
See below for the current Board members, their respective committees and contact email. Please let us know if you are interested in joining a committee by emailing the committee chair.The Board is focused on the following initiatives:
- Promoting Security, Safety & Neighborhood Watch
- Working to Repair of our Streets and Sidewalks
- Protecting our R1 Zoning and Land Use
- Preserving and Replanting our Parkway Tree Canopy
- Advocating for Traffic mitigations on our Residential Streets
- Maintaining the Highland Median Palms and Irrigation
- Advocating for Reasonable Filming Guidelines
- Historic Preservation neighborhood guidelines and HPOZ
- Creating a sense of community through robust and frequent Communication
Board Members:
- Martin Beck- Chair Security
- Cynthia Chvatal-Keane - President, Land Use, Infrastructure- Streets & Sidewalks, Trees, GWNC
- Jen DeVore - Secretary, Membership & Dues, GWNC, Block Captains, HPOZ
- Nancy Dolan - Treasurer, Land Use, Block Captains, Filming
- Greg Glasser- Traffic, Parking , Transportation
- Susan Grossman -Vice President, Land Use, HPOZ
- Joel Kozberg - Environmental
- Clif Lord- Traffic, Security
- William Newby- Streets/Sidewalks, Highland Median
- Tim Paulson - Block Captains, School Liaison Third Street School and John Burroughs
- Greg Pearson - Land Use
- Benny Rosenberg - School Liaison - Yavneh
- Deborah Trainer- Parkway Trees
- Jon Vein- Security
- James Wolf - Land Use
Committee Chair Contact Information:
Below you will find email address information for our HPHA'48 committee chairs, so you can contact them with your question concerning the neighborhood and/or the HPHA'48. Please consider joining a committee!