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Parkway Trees

Trees Donation

Our Parkway Trees

Our beautiful mature trees help make Hancock Park a park.  The area was developed a 100 years ago and the parkways were planted with a young forest of elms, sycamores and cedar trees.  Now, due to drought, diseases, insects, and general old age, many of the original trees are dead or dying.  Thanks to our Historic Preservation Overlay Zone (HPOZ) our parkway trees are protected.  So if one dies or is missing it can be replaced by one approved by the City and the HPOZ.  

The Hancock Park Homeowners Association is leading a parkway tree planting initiative which aims to have a parkway tree growing in every spot permitted by the City.  We have funds to replace lost trees, and a plan to diversify selection so if one species is endangered, others will take thrive.  As in the original design of Hancock Park, each street will have the same species planted on it with some changes in species when a street crosses a major artery.  This will retain the uniformity of look that is unique to our neighborhood.  What follows is information about how to request free replacement tree, what species is approved for your block, information and photos of the trees and how to care for the newly replanted trees.

If you are in need of a parkway tree please contact: Deborah Trainer: DebTrainer@sbcglobal.net, Susan Grossman: segrossman@sbcglobal.net, Cindy Chvatal-Keane: snorekel@gmail.com .  For more information on complete care and maintenance of your trees and the benefits they provide  - (https://www.treepeople.org/tree-benefits and htt//la.curbed.com/2018/6/6/17394448/los-angeles-trees-removal-climate

If you would like to make a donation to help support the trimming of dead wood to improve safety and health of the trees, and/or the planting and watering new trees, we would be delighted to accept any help for planting new trees! Please click PAY below.

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Your annual HPHA Dues Donations of $50+ help to support your HP Neighborhood!


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Los Angeles, CA 90004

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