Hancock Park is one of the most beautiful and historic neighborhoods in the City of Los Angeles. A stunning 90% of the 1200 homes retain the original design of their street facing facades that date from the early 1920’s. Each block has homes that are in proportion to the size of the lot, with deep landscaped setbacks and wide tree-lined parkways. Hancock Park was designated a Historic Preservation Overlay Zone (HPOZ) by the City of Los Angeles in 2007. The HPOZ is an ordinance that helps preserve the historic character of the neighborhood and serves as tool to help communities manage change in their neighborhoods.
If you are planning a renovation or new construction project to any portion of your home that is visible from the street, please first review the HANCOCK PARK PRESERVATION PLAN at: https://planning.lacity.gov/preservation-design/overlays/hancock-park
By reading the Preservation Plan before you begin your design and construction plans you will save time and energy. The Hancock Park Preservation Plan contains the design guidelines for preserving our historic Hancock Park homes. If you have any questions on where to begin, please contact our HPOZ Chair. For any questions or to schedule a review of a proposed project within the Hancock Park HPOZ, please contact: