It is VERY important that Hancock Park have a representative on the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council who understands and can be a voice for the issues that concern our entire Hancock Park neighborhood.
The GWNC election is entirely vote-by-mail. You must request a ballot in order to be able to vote for your Hancock Park GWNC rep; ballots are NOT automatically mailed to every eligible voter. The ballot request period ends April 7th. Thank YOU for your civic involvement – it matters!
REMINDER: Thank you to those who have already applied for your GWNC ballots. Please RESPOND ASAP when the City Elections Clerk emails or calls you to verify your ballot request. You will NOT receive your ballot until after you confirm!
After you apply for your ballot, you will receive a phone call, an email or both from the City Clerk’s Office confirming your status to vote in your Geographic Area and any Special Interest Representative Ballot for which you qualify. You MUST respond in order to be sent your ballot. Shortly after you respond, you will receive notification that your ballot package has been mailed. The deadline to return your ballot is April 15th.
(By default, in addition to your ballot for the Hancock Park representative on the GWNC, you will qualify for and can opt for an At-Large Ballot. If you want to request a Renters, Business or Other Non-Profit ballot you will need to respond to the Clerk’s email requesting the ballot you wish and providing qualifying documentation. For business, respond Business and document your qualification with your business license or a note on company letterhead. For Other Non-Profit, a letterhead note from your organization saying you are a current and active member should suffice. The HPHA is a non-profit 501c4.)
Please remember to request your ballot if you have not yet done so! NCs give neighborhoods a VOICE on critically important local issues. It is very important that Hancock Park have a representative on the GWNC who understands and can be a voice for the issues that concern our entire neighborhood such as streetlight repair, sidewalk fixes, safety and emergency preparedness. And, because the City does not make it easy to vote in NC elections, turnout is often very low. In other words, YOUR VOTE REALLY MATTERS!
The key thing to know is that -- UNLIKE regular City elections -- NC ballots are NOT automatically mailed to you. For the GWNC election, you must request a ballot in order to be able to vote for your Hancock Park GWNCrep. You must ALSO respond when the City Elections Clerk calls or emails you to verify your ballot request. The ballot request period ends April 7th and we think the easiest way to request a ballot is to email or mail the linked vote-by-mail application below.
There are two ways to request your ballot:
1 -- Complete a Vote-By-Mail application online using the NC Portal
2 -- Complete and mail, email or fax in a paper application -- 2025_NC_VBM_Paper_Application.pdf You can submit the PDF in one of three ways:
- Mail: City Clerk-NC Elections and Funding Division, 555 Ramirez Street, Space 300, Los Angeles, CA 90012
- Email:
- Fax: (213) 978-0376
Everyone in your household who is over the age of 16 can request a ballot and vote! The City Elections clerk is planning to call EVERY person who submits a ballot to verify identity so there is no need to submit the "required documentation" of a photo ID with your HP address if you'd prefer not to.
The Vote-By-Mail ballot request deadline for Greater Wilshire NC is Monday, April 7, 2025. And you must return your ballot by April 15th!
If you need assistance completing your application or have questions, you can contact Lanee Basulto, Election Administrator in the Office of the City Clerk at or (213) 978-0444.