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Hancock Park 
Homeowners Association 
est. 1948

March 2024 Column

29 Feb 2024 1:33 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

             March 5th Election!   Be An Informed VOTER!

Voting has started! It’s important we are informed on the issues and who we are voting for! The people we send to LA City , County, Sacramento, and Washington DC will make decisions that will impact our lives for decades to come.  Here’s what is on the March 5th Ballot!

1). 30th  Congressional  District  Congressperson                                                                               2) State Assemblymember 51st  District                                                                                                                     3) LA County District Attorney                                                                                                                                Two very important initiatives: Measure HLA  and  Proposition 1.

Measure HLA   would convert Mobility Plan 2035, an aspirational planning document adopted by the City Council in 2015, into a mandate that requires the city to add bike lanes and  traffic-slowing “road diets” to city streets whenever - at least 1/8 of a mile is repaved.  The Mobility Plan 2035 was intended to improve all forms of mobility in LA, but  HLA deals primarily with bike mobility. It allows any City resident to file a lawsuit against the City for noncompliance.  Matt Szabo, the city’s top budget analyst, warns the measure could cost more than $3.1 billion over the next 10 years.  Szabo also states that projects required under Measure HLA would reduce the number of streets that are repaved or improved each year.                                                                            

The HLA initiative was written by Michael Schneider, bike advocate  founder of Streets For All ; https://www.streetsforall.org/initiatives Schneider says adding bike lanes and road diets make  streets safer and would force city agencies to complete a list of  projects.  It would allow any City resident to file a lawsuit against the City for noncompliance.                                                                                           

Read the Mobility Plan 2035 here: https://planning.lacity.gov/odocument/523f2a95-9d72-41d7-aba5-1972f84c1d36/Mobility_Plan_2035.pdf

Please refer to your City of Los Angeles VOTER INFORMATION PAMPHLET https://clkrep.lacity.org/election/2024_Primary_Ballot_Measure_Eng.pdf  for more detailed information on HLA.

Proposition 1would change California’s 20 year old Mental Health Services Act and includes

funding to build more than 10,000 new treatment beds.  Many unhoused people on

our streets have mental health problems, and Proposition 1 proposes an approach of more

funding and uniformity of services in order to help solve this problem. It would

mark a major change in the state’s approach to homelessness and mental health and it’s

critically important that voters inform themselves and vote.

For more detailed information on Proposition 1 please refer to the voter guide : https://voterguide.sos.ca.gov/propositions/1/

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Address: 137 North Larchmont Boulevard # 719, Los Angeles, CA 90004

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