The RFP for repaving McCadden Place from Beverly Blvd to 3rd Street has been issued and bids for the construction will be in soon. This construction will not only repair and repave McCadden Place, but repair the concrete curbs that are broken, install curb cuts in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities act (ADA), adjust maintenance holes and water meters and repair concrete aprons. This is the first step in evaluating the response, cost and competence of private firms. For information about the status of this RFP see website:
There have been a increasing number of home burglaries including the ransacking of a car in a garage, and the robbing of a house while the owners were out to dinner. Many of these homes had security systems, but weren’t turned. Please remember, if you have a security system, turn on your alarm. If you leave your house be sure it is locked and secured; even if you’re only running a short errand. Be aware of any suspicious activity and call 911 if you think there may be a problem. If you are the unfortunate victim of a crime, be sure and file a police report. This enables the LAPD to assign precious resources to our neighborhood. Contact Officer Dave Cordova if you are a victim of a crime and Dave can take a crime report. Call his cell phone, 213-793-0650 or send him an email, with all the information, including your name and telephone number.
You can pay your dues on the Association’s website at: ! Those homeowners who have paid their dues by June 1st are eligible to vote in the Association’s elections and run for office.
The HPOZ Preservation Plan - regulates our HPOZ. Contact our City Planner, Kimberly Henry ( and use the online form ( if you plan on making changes to the exterior of your house. Report graffiti sightings by calling 311 or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System – and by calling Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180.
Updating the City’s General Plan –