The Association wishes all Hancock Park residents and their families a safe and happy holiday season and a full and successful new year!
Winter is the prime planting season in Southern California. The temperatures are lower and we actually get some rain. This makes it possible for the new plants to get acclimatized and comfortable in their new home. At the Annual Meeting landscape architect Mayita Dinos spoke about the planting changes that will be necessary as water becomes more scarce and expensive. She emphasized that by using native plants we can continue to have a lush, beautiful garden while conserving water. So now’s the time to implement that native garden you’ve been thinking about. It’s also the time to plant trees, particularly parkway trees to help restore Hancock Park’s arboreal lungs.
The Tree Committee reports that the parkway trees purchased for Quadrant 4 will be arriving soon. Thanks to the members of the tree commitee! The Trees will be paid for with funds from the HPOHA, est. 1948 treasury as one of the Association’s many efforts to keep Hancock Park great, beautiful and green.
The holiday season is unfortunately not a holiday from crime or fraud. If you suspect a crime is occurring call 911. If you are the victim of a crime or fraud contact the Wilshire Division LAPD station at 213-473-0476 or website: You can also contact Hancock Park’s Senior Lead Officer, Dave Cordova (213-793-0650; Remember to keep your doors and windows locked, activate your security system, if you have one, report suspicious activities and never open your door to someone you don’t know. If you’re going to be out of town let your block captain know so your neighbors will keep an eye out for suspicious activity. If you are the victim of a crime or fraud be sure and contact the LAPD so a report will be made and possible evidence collected. This is extremely important because the number of crime reports are how precious LAPD resources are allocated and evidence collection is how criminals can be successfully prosecuted and sent to jail.
If you’re planning changes to your house visit the HPHOA’ 48 web site,, or the Los Angeles Planning Department web site and read the Preservation Plan. Report graffiti sightings by calling 311 or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System – and by calling Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180 For questions regarding filming contact Filming Committee CoChairs, Ruth Marmelzat or Cami Taylor. Ruth can be reached at 323-934-0138 and Cami at 323-692-1414 (Home) and 310-659-6220 (office)