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Hancock Park 
Homeowners Association 
est. 1948

February Column

23 Jan 2018 4:36 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


Keeping Hancock Park Safe – Plan to Be at the Security Meeting February 6th!


Crime in Los Angeles, including Hancock Park, has seen a 10% increase in the last year.  The LAPD will be adding 10% more police officers to every division in the city and the Wilshire Division, which is the LAPD Division that includes Hancock Park, will see an additional ten new officers.  In addition the Wilshire Division is launching a new crime fighting unit that will target areas with spikes in violent and property crimes. 

The LAPD says that property crimes, primarily car theft and break-ins of cars, are a big part of the increase in crime.  They recommend video cameras at the front doors and apps that alert residents.  However, as many burglars gain entry through the rear of the home, a secondary camera should be installed in the rear of the house. 

While adding police officers will help stem crime, fighting crime is also done by everyone in a community being aware and proactive.  Remember to report any suspicious behavior to the LAPD, keep your doors and cars locked and, if you have an alarm, set it even if you’re in the house.  If you think someone is trying to break into your home call 911 immediately.  DO NOT CONFRONT THE PERSON YOURSELF!

As part of increasing awareness and helping the LAPD and the private security services help us, the Association is sponsoring a Security Meeting on February 6th at 7PM at 3rd Street School.  LAPD SLO Dave Cordova and our Private Security Companies SSA and ADT will be  present to discuss the increase in crime, the addition of more LAPD officers and answer any questions you may have about improving security in our Hancock Park neighborhood.  So, put February 6th on your calendar and join us!

 If you plan to change your landscaping or make changes to the exterior of your house please contact our City Planner, Kimberly Henry (kimberly.henry@lacity.org) before starting to make sure your plans comply with our Preservation Plan.  The HPOZ Preservation Plan, which regulates our HPOZ can be found at http://www.preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/la/hancock-park   There is also an online form you can fill out to help speed up the process (http://preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/initial.screening.checklist).  Report graffiti sightings by calling 311 or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System - http://anti-graffiti.lacity.org/welcome.cfm?CFID=1007&CFTOKEN=411CDB4F-0FC3-4EE1-89DE58DCCB435538 and by calling Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180. 

Address: 137 North Larchmont Boulevard # 719, Los Angeles, CA 90004

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