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Hancock Park 
Homeowners Association 
est. 1948

March Column

22 Feb 2018 11:17 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


Welcome to Our New Board Member

We’re thrilled to welcome Erik Storey to the Hancock Park Homeowners Association, est. 1948 Board of Directors.  Erik has lived in Hancock Park since 2004 where he and his spouse, Architect/Interior Designer Rodrigo Vargas, are raising their six year old daughter.  Erik is a member of the Los Angeles Tennis Club as well as the Television Academy.  After 15 years as a senior executive at Comcast Universal, Erik is now an independent television producer, full-time Dad and passionate LA historian.

Erik is joining the other Board members who lead and chair many of the initiatives and committees through which your association does the work of keeping our neighborhood a wonderful place to live.  But our committees are also made of up of you, the members of the Association.  If there’s a committee you’d like to work with, just drop a note at the website and someone will get in touch with you.  For example, our Security Committee, chaired by Peter Gorelick, just sponsored a meeting to keep residents informed about what they can do to keep themselves, their families and their property safe.  And, there are many other committee activities need your help:  The Tree Committee is doing an inventory of the trees in Hancock Park and developing a plan to reforest our neighborhood, as well as taking care of individual issues and planting trees.  The Zoning Committee works to keep development in and around Hancock Park reasonable and in keeping with our residential community.  The Streets Committee has been diligent in pushing the city to develop a plan and obtain funding to repair and replace our concrete streets with concrete.  And the filming committee works nonstop to encourage filmmakers and homeowners offering their houses for filming to keep in mind our Good Neighbor Filming Policies which helps mitigate the impact of filming on neighbors.

While the LAPD is adding more police officers, fighting crime is also done by everyone in a community being aware and proactive.  Remember to report any suspicious behavior to the LAPD, keep your doors and cars locked and, if you have an alarm, set it even if you’re in the house.  If you think someone is trying to break into your home call 911 immediately.  DO NOT CONFRONT THE PERSON YOURSELF!

If you plan to change your landscaping or make changes to the exterior of your house please contact our City Planner, Kimberly Henry (kimberly.henry@lacity.org) before starting to make sure your plans comply with our Preservation Plan.  The HPOZ Preservation Plan, which regulates our HPOZ can be found at http://www.preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/la/hancock-park   There is also an online form you can fill out to help speed up the process (http://preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/initial.screening.checklist).  Report graffiti sightings by calling 311 or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System - http://anti-graffiti.lacity.org/welcome.cfm?CFID=1007&CFTOKEN=411CDB4F-0FC3-4EE1-89DE58DCCB435538 and by calling Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180. 


Address: 137 North Larchmont Boulevard # 719, Los Angeles, CA 90004

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