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Hancock Park 
Homeowners Association 
est. 1948

  • 22 Feb 2012 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The redistricting process for City Council areas has begun and your Association, along with the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council (GWNC), is asking that Hancock Park and other GWNC neighborhoods be kept together in the same council district.  These districts once established will be in place for 10 years.  Having Hancock Park contained in one City Council district is vitally important for maintaining the integrity of our neighborhood and for getting service and support from the City. The Redistricting Commission is now holding hearings and asking for citizen input so please make your voice heard.  For more information visit website:

    While it has been a relatively dry winter, we have had a couple of big rain storms that have flooded our streets, particularly in the northern part of Hancock Park.  The Association asked the City and our Council Office to see if some kind of long term solution could be put in place.   The Department of Sanitation found that there is a split in the storm drain pipes coming out of the Hollywood Hills at Romaine and Vine. Up until this winter the 60 inch pipe that went south through Hancock Park was the main valve with the overflow going down a 75 inch pipe that went west.  Sanitation has now changed the switching so that the larger, western pipe will be the primary drain; the pipe flowing through Hancock Park will then receive the overflow.  Sanitation believes this will resolve many of the sudden flooding problems that occur when heavy rain storms hit our area.  One thing we can all do is to keep our storm drains as clear as possible.  This not only helps prevent flooding but it also keeps our oceans clean as storm drain water is not treated.  If you see someone dumping liquids or objects down a storm drain, call 800-974-9794 or report it on the web – http://www.lacitysan.org/solid_resources/refuse/SR_IllegalDumping.htm.

    Be sure and look at our website for news – http://www.HancockPark.org .  Also, if you’re planning changes to your house read the Hancock Park Preservation Plan (http://www.hancockparkhomeownersassociation.org/ or http://preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/la/hancock-park ) and contact City Planner Matthew Glesne (213-978-1216 or matthew.glesne@lacity.org).   In the event of a crime contact the Wilshire Division LAPD station – 213-473-0476 or website: http://www.lapdonline.org/wilshire_community_police_station as well as our Senior Lead Officer, Dave Cordova (213-793-0650; 31646@lapd.lacity.org). Contact the association (or Tree Committee Chair, Susan Grossman, SEGrossman@sbcglobal.net) if you need a parkway tree.  Report graffiti sightings by calling 311 or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System – http://anti-graffiti.lacity.org/welcome.cfm?CFID=1007&CFTOKEN=411CDB4F-0FC3-4EE1-89DE58DCCB435538 and by calling Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180 Questions regarding filming – contact Filming Committee, Cami Taylor (323-692-1414-Home and 310-659-6220-Office).

  • 16 Feb 2012 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Join us in welcoming our two new Board Members:  Gerda McDonough and Joanne Medeiros.  Both Gerda and Joanne have been involved in Hancock Park improvement projects and we’re excited to have them join the Board of Directors.   

    Gerda McDonough is an eleven year resident of Los Angeles. She has a long record of service to community organizations, including the newly formed Transportation Committee of the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council.  Gerda has held senior positions at media companies in the US, Europe, Asia, and her native South Africa. She lives with her husband and daughter and has been a resident of Hancock Park since 2010.

    Joanne Medeiros was raised in West Los Angeles and is a proud graduate of UCLA for her BA, and Occidental College for her MA in Education. She is currently the Southern California Manager for ELLE DECOR and House Beautiful, two of the leading design titles published by Hearst Magazines.  She has a passion for residential design, gardens and architecture developed through  her professional career and international travel.  She moved to Hancock Park seven years ago, remodeling her 1930 Mediterranean villa. Joanne was an important part of the team that planned and implemented the John Burroughs Middle School beautification project.  With the help of HPHOA and WSHPHS, over $150,000 in local funds were raised to upgrade the school and surrounding grounds.   

    Be sure and look at our website for news – http://www.HancockPark.org .  Also, if you’re planning changes to your house read the Hancock Park Preservation Plan (http://www.hancockparkhomeownersassociation.org/ or http://preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/la/hancock-park ) and contact City Planner Matthew Glesne (213-978-1216 or matthew.glesne@lacity.org).   In the event of a crime contact the Wilshire Division LAPD station – 213-473-0476 or website: http://www.lapdonline.org/wilshire_community_police_station as well as our Senior Lead Officer, Dave Cordova (213-793-0650; 31646@lapd.lacity.org). Contact the association (or Tree Committee Chair, Susan Grossman, SEGrossman@sbcglobal.net) if you need a parkway tree.  Report graffiti sightings by calling 311 or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System – http://anti-graffiti.lacity.org/welcome.cfm?CFID=1007&CFTOKEN=411CDB4F-0FC3-4EE1-89DE58DCCB435538 and by calling Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180 Questions regarding filming – contact Filming Committee, Cami Taylor (323-692-1414-Home and 310-659-6220-Office).

  • 16 Feb 2012 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The recent wind storms felled many of the beautiful trees that make up the urban forest of Southern California.  Now’s the time to ask:  what can we do to maintain our trees and keep them healthy.

    The two major factors in maintaining the health and safety of trees are:  1) Watering and 2) Pruning.   Trees need regular, deep watering, which is unfortunately the exact opposite of what often happens in parkways.  Remember to do a deep watering of established trees at least twice a month, and more in the summer when it’s hot.  Pruning by a licensed arborist is critical to maintaining the health of your trees.  Some of the things to remember are:   1) Prune at the right time of year.  Pines and cedars should be pruned in the winter; 2) Don’t remove center foliage which is necessary to maintain the structure of the tree; 3) Don’t ever ‘top’ a tree.  Instead prune so there are evenly space branches throughout the tree – trees need to move in the wind.  Always ask your arborist to explain what they plan to do and why.

    Check your trees regularly to be sure there is no mounding on the side of the tree and no roots being pulled up.  If a tree is leaning check for cracks on the trunk or dark sap which means the tree is stressed.  If you’ve lost a branch or limb use a sharp, sterilized pruning tool and cut it cleanly back to another branch or all the way back to the trunk.

    Winter is the best times to plant trees and other landscaping.  Be sure and contact the association (or Tree Committee Chair, Susan Grossman, SEGrossman@sbcglobal.net) if you need a parkway tree.  Check out our website for information and volunteer opportunities – http://www.HancockPark.org .  Also, if you’re planning changes to your house check the Hancock Park Preservation Plan (http://www.hancockparkhomeownersassociation.org/ or http://preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/la/hancock-park ) and contact City Planner Matthew Glesne (213-978-1216 or matthew.glesne@lacity.org ).   In the event of a crime or fraud contact the Wilshire Division LAPD station – 213-473-0476 or website: http://www.lapdonline.org/wilshire_community_police_station as well as Hancock Park’s Senior Lead Officer, Dave Cordova (213-793-0650; 31646@lapd.lacity.org). Report graffiti sightings by calling 311 or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System – http://anti-graffiti.lacity.org/welcome.cfm?CFID=1007&CFTOKEN=411CDB4F-0FC3-4EE1-89DE58DCCB435538 and by calling Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180 Questions regarding filming – contact Filming Committee Members, Ruth Marmelzat (323-934-0138) or Cami Taylor (323-692-1414-Home and 310-659-6220-Office).

  • 14 Feb 2012 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Call to order and Introductions: Cindy Chvatal-Keane called the meeting to order at 7 PM.


    Attendance: Jen DeVore, Cindy Chvatal, Gerda McDonough, Peter Gorelick, Pam Newhouse, Victoria Vickers, Rudy Gintel, Cami Taylor, Gary Nelson, Gregg Glasser, Serena Apfel

    Excused: Susan Grossman, Chris Bubser, Sheldon Goodkind, Ben Thompson, Joel Kozburg.

    Absent: Joanne Medirous, Jim Wolf

    Minutes from November were approved as submitted.


    Correspondence/Communications: Pam Newhouse. Nothing new.

    Treasurer’s Report:  Victoria Vickers. Paid insurance.

    New Business:

    Welcome New Board Members: Gerda McDonough and Joanne Medirous

    Committee Assignments.   Victoria would like to have help with the bills. Pam would like to help with the Tree committee and will be off land use and zoning.  Sheldon would  be good for land use. Gerda will join traffic and transportation. Peter will join graffiti.

    Redistricting update/Council District 4 /GWNC boundaries:  Hancock Park will stay in CD4 but a portion of the GWNC is in play – SE corner. There is a hearing tomorrow at 4 to advocate for ALL of GWNC to be in one council district.

    Open Board Position-Suggestions: Renee Mochkatel (Jen), Mr. Uretsky (Serena)

    Old Business:

    WSHP Garden Tour annual donation:  Rudy Gintel proposed that we approve a $1000 donation to the Garden Tour.  We have always given $1000 and up, especially given that Hancock Park will reap many of the benefits of this. Motion to approve $1K unamimous.

    Yavneh CUP Review Hearing update:  Hearing was today. Approved extending hours on 7 days over the year but the judge is still considering the motion to extend the reapplication period.  We would prefer to stay at 2, council office is saying 3 years and Yavneh wants 5 years.  One week for determination.  We will plant trees on Tu B’sh Vat to help screen. Neighbors continue to complain about noise in the courtyard, which was not supposed to be used for school activities. New headmaster starts in June. Serena suggested that we contact the new head and invite him to the meeting. In the meantime, we can try contacting the gym instructor directly when there are noise issues.




    Parkway Trees: Susan Grossman, Cindy Chvatal.  Coordinating to do another planting.  Susan has around 14 permission slips. Call Susan if you know people who need trees.  We have a full list of all stumps needing removal and we will get to that.  Our Council neighbors paid for both sides of Highland.  We have a bid to trim trees for $80 per tree, a total bargain.  The city has no money to trim trees so we got a blanket permit to trim all the trees, but HPHA must approve the trimmers.  We will send a letter to homeowners asking who would be willing to spend $80 to trim the tree in front of their house.


    Land Use/Zoning: Jim Wolf, Susan Grossman, Pam Newhouse.  No new issues.


    Traffic & Transportation:  Gerda McDonough, Greg Glasser. We have requests for stop signs at Muirfield and 4th, Hudson and 4th, Rosewood and McCadden, McCadden & 1st.  HPHA has to put in a formal request. And for restriping on Rimpau, McCadden.  Gregg will consolidate all the requests and put in a formal request on behalf of the neighborhood.


    HPOZ: Victoria Vickers, Cami Taylor, Cindy Chvatal. HPOZ violations now fall under code violations and are cumulative. Rudy suggested that we determine whether houses could be sold with code violations on the record. If not, would be a powerful weapon.


    LAPD/Security: Peter Gorelick, Ben Thompson.  Peter reported that in December we had a surge of crime in the neighborhood, including 3 burglaries in one day on December 21st. Thanksgiving – Christmas.  But quiet again around New Year’s and then a recent surge again.


    Filming: Cami Taylor. There have been a lot of complaints recently.  Cami has been fielding calls and speaking to the film companies and Film LA. Film revenue last year was down 30% from the year before.


    Membership Records / Dues: Jen DeVore. As of today, we have received dues from 239 neighbors for a total of $9990.  Second mailing?  319 S. McCadden needs a new envelope.


    Block Captains/ Neighborhood Watch/Emergency Preparedness:Jen DeVore/Cindy Chvatal. We are overdue for a block captain meeting, especially about security.


    School Liaison: Jen DeVore, Sheldon Goodkind. Nothing new to report.


    Parking:  Susan Grossman, Greg Glasser. No new requests.


    Graffiti: Pam Newhouse. Nothing new to report.


    Legal: Joel Kozberg. No report.



    Communication: Web site: Greg Glasser.  No report.  Chronicle: Susan Grossman. No report.    

    Additional Issues:  Canadian consulate on Muirfield has been an issue lately with many events and parking issues. Cindy suggested a block meeting.

    NEXT MEETING February 21, 2011

  • 29 Nov 2011 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It’s that time of year, when we ask our residents to please support of the HPHOA’48, by becoming dues paying members. This past year your dues helped support many efforts to preserve the quality of life in our neighborhood, including the purchase, planting and maintenance of over 80 new trees, donations to support our local Fire Station, 3rdStreet School, John Burroughs Middle School, and The Hollywood Beautification Team/graffiti removal.

    In the coming year the Association will work with our Council Office to try to ensure that our Hancock Park streets are repaired and resurfaced.  We will also be working with LADOT and our Council Office as the City revises and updates the General Plan/Mobility Element. This plan will have direct effect on our streets and traffic. We will work to keep our residents informed as to how they can stay involved and voice comments on this important issue.

    The HPHOA’48 continues to work on neighborhood beautification by removing tree stumps, replacing parkway trees, and maintaining the newly planted parkway trees. We will be planting new trees during the winter months. If you are interested in having a tree planted in your parkway or a stump removed please contact Board member, Susan Grossman at segrossman@sbcglobal.net.

    The Association continues to update our neighborhood email list. If you would like us to add you to the list please provide us with your email address by including it in the space provided on the enclosed dues envelope. You can also email the information to our Block Captain Chairs: Cindy Chvatal-Keane at snorekel@aol.com and Jen DeVore at jendevore@earthlink.net.  Please be sure to include your name and street address in the email.  Being on the email list allows us to communicate with you on neighborhood issues. Through our Neighborhood Watch/Block Captain Program, we alert residents to security situations in the neighborhood such as break-ins, robberies and vandalism. We are able to send emails to residents within hours of receiving this information. We respond as quickly as possible to residents’ questions and concerns regarding street closures, street light problems, street repair, zoning and land use and HPOZ questions. If we can’t answer your questions, we can help direct you to the City departments that can.  Our email list has also helped reunite many lost pets with their owners!

    On behalf of the HPHOA’48 Board, I wish you a Happy & Healthy 2012!


    Cindy Chvatal-Keane, President, HPHOA’48

  • 29 Nov 2011 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Call to order and Introductions: Cindy Chvatal-Keane

    Present: Victoria Vickers, Sheldon Goodkind, Peter Gorelick, Serena Apfel, Gary Nelson, Susan Grossman, Cindy Chvatal, Rudy Gintel, Cami Taylor, Jen DeVore, Joel Kozberg, Jim, Ben 

    Excused: Chris Bubser, Pam Newhouse, Greg Glasser


    Minutes:  Jen DeVore

    Minutes from October 2011 were approved unanimously.


    Correspondence/Communications: Pam Newhouse was not available.


    Treasurer’s Report:  Victoria Vickers. We have invested over $16,000 on beautification, have donated $3000 and our expenses are way down.  Cindy moved that we make a donation to Ruth Marmelzat’s charity.  So moved.


    Myrna Gintel, WSHP Garden Tour.  Next April 22 (Earth Day.) Last year donated $30,000 to JB for beautification. Honorees include Mia Nair (sp?), renowned landscape architect, and Lynn Cohen, active in Miracle Mile issues.  This year they’ll be funding Fire Station #52 (Melrose & Western) and #62 (3rd and Hauser).  They plan to plant vegetable gardens and fruit trees. HBT is involved. In addition, they will help Windsor Square beautify the triangular median on 6th Street at Norton. Myrna asked if the HPHA would participate in the same way as last year.  Serena moved, Peter seconded, unanimously approved full page for $550.

    Lynn Cohen, LAFD Foundation. We have 4 firestations…52, 61, 29 (adopted by Windsor Square) and 27.  Lynn would like HPHA to “adopt” a Fire Station and focus on emergency preparedness — #27.  Lynn and Mark Cohen will chair the adoption of #27 (Cahuenga and Cole, next to the LAFD museum.) First project is refinishing the front doors of the firehouse — $4000.  The foundation is a 501c3. Lynn and Mark will be on the emergency preparedness committee. Gary moved, Peter seconded, unanimoulsy approved $250.

    New Business:  

    Candidates for open Board positions: Gerda McDonough who has been extremely involved on Rossmore, bicycle issues and mobility element. Jen made a motion, seconded by Peter. Unanimous. Joanne Medirous. Howard Hart has moved out of the neighborhood and John Rolfe is too busy. Joanne has been incredibly helpful in the JB beautification  process.  Ben made a motion, Peter seconded. Unanimous.

    Mobility Element Revision/Update of LA General Plan & HP Streets.  Apparently, the city has the ability to re-designate our streets at will – could re-designate any street as a highway if they wish.  We need to act to protect Highland and Rossmore.  Goal of DOT is to speed everything up while community wants to slow everything down.

    Old Business


    Parkway Tree Fall Planting / Stump Removal.  Susan has a list of stumps and we have started some plantings. If you see stumps, send an email to Susan.


    Yavneh CUP Review:  Yavneh has requested that they have a two-year review because it’s too costly. Also want longer hours on some holidays, specifically Yom Kippur and a few others.  Sheldon noted that if the holiday falls on the Sabbath, it would be reasonable to extend their hours by the two hours that are requested.  Board would support this request but not the five year renewal period.  Motion: Support extension of hours for 4 holidays, do not support extension of CUP renewal period. Passed.


    Membership Records / Dues: Jen DeVore.  First letter will go out in December. Jen will update the numbers list to send out.  We should also include a list of all the things we’ve done.  Peter suggested that we have a block captain meeting in January and try to get updates on new neighbors. And a suggestion to invite a real estate agent on to the board.

    Parkway Trees: Susan Grossman, Cindy Chvatal. See above.

    Land Use/Zoning: Jim Wolf, Susan Grossman, Pam Newhouse.  Key issue is the Paramount Studios project – 15 stories tall is the proposed building.  A 25 year plan. Parking structures for over 6000 additional cars. We will need to continue to monitor this, especially as it affects transportation plans.

    HPOZ: Victoria Vickers, Cami Taylor, Cindy Chvatal.  We have a new board member on the HPOZ board.  We have a new planning deputy, Jonathan Brand. He was there before and has just returned and was great last time – thorough and knows our neighborhood.

    LAPD/Security: Peter Gorlick, Ben Thompson.  Peter reported that crime is about even….too many people don’t report crimes so we can’t track. Trend this month is armed robbery but only one within Hancock Park was on 3rd and Highland on Halloween at a bus stop at midnight.  Also 1st and Plymouth during the day – guy with a gun took their cell phones and LAPD caught him.  Perhaps we should remind neighbors that both ADT and SSa will walk homeowners to their doors if it’s really late. People noted fewer trick-or-treaters on Halloween.

    Filming: Cami Taylor.  We noted the passing of Ruth Marmelzat.  Cami has taken over entirely for Ruth. We have had a huge problem on Rossmore and 5th. Cami has been trying to get a meeting with Film LA and Mike Cornwell to try to at least appease the neighbors. (it’s more Windsor Square folks who are upset.)  Slight uptick in revenues. Cami reported that it’s a new development that Film LA is allowing companies to park on both sides of the street.

    Web site: Greg Glasser. No report. Rudy will look into finding a way to pay online.

    Chronicle: Susan Grossman. Susan will talk a little about Ruth and maybe something about the Fire Departments.

    Block Captains/ Neighborhood Watch/Emergency Preparedness: Jen DeVore, Cindy Chvatal. January block captain meeting.

    Traffic:  Greg Glasser. No report.

    School Liaison: Jen DeVore, Sheldon Goodkind.  Sheldon reported that he has started getting more complaints about litter and traffic at JB, particularly Chris Dalston who lives on McCadden. Sheldon will call Steve Martinez, principal of JB.

    Parking:  Susan Grossman, Greg Glasser

    Graffiti: Pam Newhouse. No report.

     Meeting adjourned at 9 PM.

  • 1 Aug 2011 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Rudolph Gintel


    Rudy has lived in Hancock Park for many years and has served as the liason with the Wilshire Homeowners Alliance, helping coordinate larger community efforts with Hancock Park.  He has also served for 5 years as Business Representative to the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council, and is a past member of its Land Use Committee.


    Greg Glasser


    Greg has lived in Hancock Park since 1999.  He has been involved with the HPOZ & chaired the HPOZ committee.  He is on the Traffic & Parking Committees  maintains the Association’s website Hancockpark.org. 

    Sheldon Goodkind


    Sheldon is a longtime resident of Hancock Park.  He is a co-chair of the Schools Committee and has worked closely with the neighbors and the schools to successfully address many of the longtime problems, such as parking and traffic.

    Peter Gorelick


    Peter grew up in Hancock Park and attended local schools including John Burroughs, Fairfax High and UCLA.   Peter moved back to Hancock Park in 2003.  He is an Insurance Defense/Workers’ Compensation Attorney.  Peter represents Hancock Park as a member of the Wilshire Community Police Advisory Board.  He is also an LAPD Volunteer and graduate of the LAPD Community Police Academy. 


    Susan Grossman


    Susan and her husband Kim have lived in Hancock Park for more than 20 years.  She is currently the vice-president of the Association, Chair of the Tree Committee as well as an HPOZ Board member.


    John Rolf


    Dr. John Rolf is Director of Corporate Product Quality at Amgen, a leading Biopharmaceutical Company. He is a graduate of the University of Texas Southwestern

    Medical Center, where he received a Ph.D. in Immunology. John is a certified California Master Gardener with the Common Ground Garden Program of the University of California Cooperative Extension, whose volunteers provide community service to limited-resource residents of Los Angeles County. He and his partner, Randall, a professor at the Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, have resided in Hancock Park since 1994.


    Cami Taylor


    Cami has lived in Hancock Park at 264 South Muirfield for 13 years. She’s married to Steve Eshelman and has a daughter, Marguerite Eshelman.  She is a member of the Ebell and the LATC and owns a film production company called Crossroads Films, which produces commercials, music videos, independent features and some television programming.  She is the ex-president and still sits on the board of a nonprofit organization called Streetlights and is a board member of a commercial producers’ group called the AICP.  She was a founding member of the HPOZ support group and an integral part of the many year efforts to achieve HPOZ status for Hancock Park. 


    Ben Thompson


    Ben Thompson has been a resident of Hancock Park for over 20 years.  He earned an A.B. from Brown University and an M.B.A. from USC.  In addition to being Past President, current Board member of the Hancock Park Homeowners Association, and Head of the Budget Committee, he is founder of the Wilshire Traffic Committee, and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Oaks School in Hollywood.

    James Wolf


    Jim grew up in Hancock Park.  After time away in college, he, his wife and children moved back to Hancock Park and have lived here since 1983.  Jim attended both the University of Pennsylvania and USC where he earned degrees in Civil Engineering and in Architecture.  He is a California licensed architect.  Jim has served on the Board of Directors since 1987 and was President of the Hancock Park Homeowners Association est. 1948 for over 12 years.  Jim Co-chairs the Street Lighting Committee and the Zoning Committee.  He is the Hancock Park representative on the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council where he is Vice President of the Board and also Chairman of the Land Use and Planning Committee.

  • 21 Jun 2011 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

     Summer is here and taking care of Hancock Park’s urban forest, especially our parkway trees, is an important part of the gardening “to-do” list.  For new trees, consistent watering is especially critical to the new tree’s health.  If you have a new tree, be sure and water 3 times a week, by filling the earthen basin surrounding the tree.  Also, keep the perimeter around the tree’s trunk free of grass and other groundcover as the watering needs of trees and grasses are very different.  For established parkway trees deep water twice or three times a month.

     On Friday, June 3rd, the John Burroughs Middle School Beautification Project was celebrated.  The festivities included the dedication of the bench provided by the Association in honor of the years of service to the community given by long-time resident and Board Member Marguerite ‘Chickie’ Byrne.  Many thanks go to JB principle Steve Martinez , Vice-Principle Helena Yoon, Hancock Park resident Joanne Mederos, former Council field deputy, Nikki Ezhari, landscaper Carlos Antillon and the Windsor Square-Hancock Park Historical Society for leading, implementing and funding this important project.  Visit website http://www.burroughsms.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=103714&type=d for details and drive by and take a look!

     Don’t forget to check the Hancock Park Preservation Plan (http://www.hancockpark.org or http://preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/la/hancock-park ) and contact City Planner Matthew Glesne (213-978-1216 or matthew.glesne@lacity.org ) before planning any changes to the street visible exterior of your house.   If you are the unfortunate victim of a crime or fraud contact the Wilshire Division LAPD station at 213-473-0476 or website: http://www.lapdonline.org/wilshire_community_police_station. You can also contact Hancock Park’s Senior Lead Officer, Dave Cordova (213-793-0650; 31646@lapd.lacity.org). Report graffiti sightings by calling 311 or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System – http://anti-graffiti.lacity.org/welcome.cfm?CFID=1007&CFTOKEN=411CDB4F-0FC3-4EE1-89DE58DCCB435538   and by calling Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180 For questions regarding filming, contact Filming Committee Members, Ruth Marmelzat or

    Cami Taylor. Ruth can be reached at 323-934-0138 and Cami at 323-692-1414 (Home) and 310-659-6220 (office).

  • 26 May 2011 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The planting of many of the missing parkway trees in Quadrant 4 has been completed!  The stumps have been removed and the trees are in their new homes.  Thanks go to Susanna Funsten for collecting the necessary signatures and Hollywood Beautification for purchasing and planting the trees.  The Tree Committee is planning the next steps in the reforestation of Hancock Park parkways, including determining disease resistant elm tree varieties for Rossmore, so if you want to join contact the Association.

    For the last 3 years Nikki Ezhari served as our community liaison with Councilman La Bonge’s office and the city.  Nikki was instrumental in developing the traffic and beautification solutions now implemented at John Burroughs High School, negotiating with the Wilshire Country Club and the Marlowe apartment owners to rebuild the curbs on Rosewood and many other efforts.  The Association and Hancock Park thank Nikki for all her good work for our neighborhood and we wish her all the best in the future.

    The dedication of the bench donated in honor of long-time resident and Board Member Marguerite ‘Chickie’ Byrne’s at John Burroughs Middle School will be Friday, June 3rd at 9:00 AM at the school.  Join us in thanking Chickie for her years of work on behalf of the community.

    Don’t forget to check the Hancock Park Preservation Plan (http://www.hancockpark.org or http://preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/la/hancock-park ) to make sure any planned changes to the street visible exterior of your house are in keeping with the HPOZ.   Be sure and contact Matthew Glesne (213-978-1216 or matthew.glesne@lacity.org ) if you have any questions and for assistance in navigating the HPOZ process. If you are the unfortunate victim of a crime or fraud contact the Wilshire Division LAPD station at 213-473-0476 or website: http://www.lapdonline.org/wilshire_community_police_station. You can also contact Hancock Park’s Senior Lead Officer, Dave Cordova (213-793-0650; 31646@lapd.lacity.org). Report graffiti sightings by calling 311 or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System – http://anti-graffiti.lacity.org/welcome.cfm?CFID=1007&CFTOKEN=411CDB4F-0FC3-4EE1-89DE58DCCB435538 and by calling Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180 For questions regarding filming, contact Filming Committee Members, Ruth Marmelzat or

    Cami Taylor. Cami at 323-692-1414 (Home) and 310-659-6220 (office).

  • 25 Mar 2011 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The recent earthquake and Tsunami in Japan are a forceful reminder that we live in an earthquake area and that quake could strike at any time. The Fire and Police Departments remind us that if a disaster strikes they will be busy taking care of major damage and injuries and won’t be available for residential needs for food and water , so we need to be ready. Do you have a Disaster Plan, supplies and training? Visit the HPHOA, est. 1948 website for information. Another good place to start in developing a Disaster Plan is the LA Times website – http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/home_blog/2011/03/preparing-for-earthquakes.html. An excellent resource for training is the LA Fire Department’s CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training – http://www.cert-la.com/index.shtml . This is a 17 ½ hour (one day a week for seven weeks) of training and teaches how to: 1) Manage utilities and put out small fires; 2) Treat medical emergencies such as opening airways, controlling bleeding and treating shock; 3) Provide basic medical aid; 4) Search for and rescue victims as well as facilitating volunteer organization and collecting disaster intelligence to support first responder efforts. Remember, an earthquake or other emergency could happen any time so DON’T WAIT! We thank our dues payment members for their generous support of the Association’s work, which includes the recent parkway tree stump removals. If you haven’t paid your dues, please take a few minutes and put a check in the mail. Also don’t forget the Sixth Annual Windsor Square-Hancock Park Historical Society Garden Party and Tour which will honor our President, Cindy Chvatal-Keane. It will be on Sunday, April 17th from noon to 6PM and will support the JB Beautification Program. For more information go to website: http://www.wshphs.org/gardentour11.html If you’re planning changes to the exterior of your house check the Hancock Park Preservation Plan (http://www.hancockpark.org or http://preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/la/hancock-park ) to make sure your changes are in keeping with the HPOZ. For any questions contact Matthew Glesne (213-978-1216 or matthew.glesne@lacity.org ). Also, if you are the unfortunate victim of a crime or fraud contact the Wilshire Division LAPD station at 213-473-0476 or website: http://www.lapdonline.org/wilshire_community_police_station. You can also contact Hancock Park’s Senior Lead Officer, Dave Cordova (213-793-0650; 31646@lapd.lacity.org). Report graffiti sightings by calling 311 or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System – http://anti-graffiti.lacity.org/welcome.cfm?CFID=1007&CFTOKEN=411CDB4F-0FC3-4EE1-89DE58DCCB435538 and by calling Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180 For questions regarding filming, contact Filming Committee Members, Ruth Marmelzat or Cami Taylor. Ruth can be reached at 323-934-0138 and Cami at 323-692-1414 (Home) and 310-659-6220 (office).

Address: 137 North Larchmont Boulevard # 719, Los Angeles, CA 90004

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